Attention Artists: Get more butts in your seats with Sample Night Live!
You’re a brilliant artistic genius who doesn’t get the recognition you deserve. We know who you are. We used to be you. Hell, some of us still are.
Marketing is hard, but Sample Night Live is easy.
Sample Night Live gives you EXPOSURE TO AUDIENCES who will love your work and come back for more. Show up and perform a seven-minute sample of your very best work and sit back while your new fans discover you and sign-up for your mailing list. That’s it. Done. Check that off your list.
It’s a no brainer, really. What are you waiting for?
To participate, email [email protected], explain who you are, what you do, and where your work may be seen live, and she will arrange for a curator to come out and see your work.
Participation is FREE! Performers receive:
contact information for all audience members who opt-in to your mailing list,
invitations to join Sample Night Live in media interviews,
an opportunity to present a seven-minute sample of your work on stage in front of a live audience,
exposure to Gen-X and Gen-Y audiences who are waiting to discover the amazing work you do, and
a lobby table and inclusion in the after party so you can schmooze your new fans.
Even in months you’re not available for the stage, contact us for cross-promotional opportunities. Take advantage of:
ad trades,
inclusion in pre-show and intermission projection ads,
inclusion of coupons in audience goodie bags.
Additional information for you:
Each performer receives free admission to see the rest of the show and up to four companion tickets at $5, each which must be purchased in advance at Sample Night Live will provide you with a unique ticket code for $5 off admission to send to your audience .